I love the drop sounds totally crazy!! Seems like the kick and snare is way to loud tho, idk, It sounds good at full blast! Awesome tune
I love the drop sounds totally crazy!! Seems like the kick and snare is way to loud tho, idk, It sounds good at full blast! Awesome tune
Love this
Reminds me of halloween, and the rain, because it came out that time. Can't wait for that time again
This is great
Dude, your techno is so well and good! You got to remix all of your music someday...
I'm loving the beat. At :20 is so awesome. The drop is very melodic.
Wow, loving this!!
Wow! I'm loving that drop beat! That is some real professional house work! :D Seriously so good! Everything was amazing! The vocals fit perfectly but sounded a little strange haha. haha But that drop is so cool.
I'm really gonna miss checking into your page for new songs. This song I was actually going to buy, this is sooo cool! The second drop is amazing! Never stop making music, and never stop making those amazing piano lines.
Love the piano
And the Intro to the drop. My favorite sound from you is hearing the piano. Just so amazing, i loved hearing through the beats. But the drop was so sudden and loud. But I'm liking how electronic it was. It fits, I like it!
Wow! haha
I just love your style, you are a musical genius! Keep it up, I love how you make face-melting dubstep to beautiful ambience like these lol
Loving 1:00
I really like this! The drop is cool, very dark, sounds alot like your last 2 posts though. But I love past 1:00 you got to make a separate song of that, that is really good. idk, maybe its because i miss your techno.. lol
Hello, i'm a clay animator in southern California, I love clay animation. i recently got flash, hopefully i'll get to post claymartion in this site for now on ~SJ~
Age 29, Male
West Ranch HS
Joined on 2/11/10